

24日環繞地球之旅 - plant tour

Day 13 (-11) 2018/3/14 (W)

這天早上去工廠plant tour...到工廠後有短暫早餐時間, 但要行完一個section才吃, 先在房間吃點東西(到步那天在超市買了instant oatmeal)才出發...

plant tour分為quality control, warehouse, manufacturing, packing 4個section...QC和manufacturing都是全機器處理, 只要packing比較會看到products的樣子...

warehouse的同事問: where are you from?
加洲同事: We are from Foster City
安: I am from Hong Kong
W: Oh you travel from long way...which one is more far away?
安: I believe is about the same, in terms of timezone difference
加: Actually she (指我) was also in Foster City last week
W: Are you flying back to HK from Cork?
安: Yes, I am flying around the world
W: That's exactly what I want to say...you know, not many people can say this

參觀完warehouse回到security room, warehouse同事又跟保安叔叔說:
you know, the people in front of you would be travelling around the world

最初只是我自己覺得是一次頗有趣的旅程, 想不到還有其他人都對此感到興趣...

整天都下雨, 中午跟同事在一家家品店內的cafe午餐...我本來想要spinach egg Benedict, 但原來早餐時段才供應, 改選了份ham & cheese toast, 至少也是烘熱的...

美國同事第二天超早機, 晚上我們就在酒店晚飯...要了份蔬菜咖哩黃薑飯, 但於歐洲吃亞洲菜果然是風險很高, 飯很乾, 咖哩都可以完全沒味道...

甜品有mini size選擇, 我要了個chocolate pot...

跟美國同事晚飯, 他們一般會喝點啤酒, 用餐時間很長, 每次都弄到接近10時才埋單...幸好之後的晚餐終於都自由了...

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